The Chaplet of the Holy Face comes from Sr. Mary of St. Peter, a Holy Carmelite Nun of Tours, France, given to her by our Lord November 15, 1843.
It is said for the "Triumph of His Holy Church, and the downfall of her enemies." It is well to recite daily to obtain this. It is for the honor of the 5 senses of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The first 30 beads recall the 30 years of Jesus hidden life. They are divided into 5 of 6 beads each. Each one represents one of the 5 senses. TOUCH, HEARING, SIGHT, SMELL, TASTE. Each decade is said meditating on one of the 5 senses to offer reparative homage for all the suffering and disrespect JESUS endured through the senses of His Holy Face during His passion.
St. Athanaius said the devils hate "Arise, O Lord and let they enemies be scattered .." more than any other scripture verse. He added that this always compelled them to take flight.
100 days extra indulgence for every prayer said before a picture of the Holy Face! Granted by Pope Pius IX, Dec. 11, 1876
The cross reminds us of the mystery of our redemption.
Sign yourself with the Cross and say:
vs ... O GOD, incline unto my aid!:
rs ... O Lord, make haste to help me!:
Then Glory Be ...
Now go to the first decade bead after the medal, on each of the 6 beads say:
vs ... Arise. O Lord and let Thy enemies be scattered
rs ... And let them that hate Thee flee from before Thy Face.
Then say Glory be to recall the sense you wish to honor.
On the Our Father beads say:
"My JESUS Mercy"
Repeat this sequence till you come to the medal
On the Medal say:
vs... O GOD, our protector, lookdown upon us,
rs... And cast Thine eyes upon the Face of Thy Christ!
The last 3 beads mark JESUS public life, on them we honor all the wounds inflicted upon His adorable Face! Treat these beads the same saying on the Our Father beads "My JESUS Mercy" proceeded by a Gloria, then the "Arise O Lord." When done, the Glory Be, is recited 7 times in honor of the 7 last words of JESUS upon the Cross, and the 7 Dolars of the Immaculate Virgin.
When JESUS was named satan was disarmed!